About Us

Reviving Growth Keynesianism is an attempt to organize a conversation.

We make it easier for those who may be Keynesian curious — academics, journalists, policymakers, average citizens — to get plugged in to the ongoing revival.

To get in touch — about adding content, the podcast, or whatever — check out the contact page, or find us on twitter: @RGK_Project

Reviving Growth Keynesianism is housed at the University of Michigan Center for Inequality Dynamics in affiliation with the University of Chicago Center for Spatial Data Science. We’re supported by the UChicago program on Professional Advancement and Training for Humanists and Humanistic Social Scientists and the Micro-Metcalf Internship Program, which allowed us to hire Michael Donnelly and Brandon Murphy during summer 2020. We’re also supported by our Patreon subscribers.

Robert Manduca is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Michigan. His research centers on urban and regional economic development, and the consequences of economic inequality for American life. Learn more about his academic work at www.robertmanduca.com or follow him on Twitter at @RobertManduca.

Nic Johnson is a PhD Candidate in the History Department at the University of Chicago, researching the intellectual history mid-century Keynesianism and the Federal Reserve. Prior to joining the University of Chicago, Nic was ABD in economics, specializing in monetary theory. He tweets at @TiltingatM3.